Newest G It Programming Tips
Auto-Completion Within Complex Git Alias
Jason Rogers
0 responses
git, bash
24 Pull Requests
Davi Ferreira
0 responses
github, collaboration, christmas
Detailed Objective-C Cheat Sheet
Rob Phillips
4 responses
cocoa, ios, open source, apple
Quick access to documentation search
Marc Trudel
0 responses
markdown, search, knowledge-management, github
Hub : create new github repo!
Swapnil Abnave
0 responses
terminal, tools, hub, github
git describe --tags to version number your artefacts
0 responses
gradle, release, git, versionnumber
High-Value Shell Aliasing
Dan Croak
10 responses
vim, unix, git
Custom Coloring Using .gitconfig
Jon Staff
0 responses
color, terminal, gitconfig, git
Use GitHub Organizations to Organize Code
Daan van Berkel
2 responses
code, git, organization, github
Automated web site deployment (git+ftp inside)
2 responses
ftp, deployment, git, cheap
Git Configuration
Widy Graycloud
2 responses
control, version, git, tuts
Delete a remote Git tag
Ronan Guilloux
0 responses
tags, git
Display user avatars on Github news feed
Anas Nakawa
0 responses
chrome, git, javascript, github
How to create gh-pages branch
4 responses
gh-pages, git, edipotrebol, github
Open Github/Bitbucket Page From Command Line
Philip Cunningham
0 responses
ruby, git, command line, mac
Delete a git tag - made easy
Frank Gregor
0 responses
tag, git, delete, bash
A quicker Mkdir and git init
Shrayas Rajagopal
1 response
shell, unix, cd, mkdir