Newest G It Programming Tips
git + gpg, know thy commits
3 responses
gpg, git
DRY deployment process with Capistrano 3 and Rails 4
Andy Kifer
1 response
ruby, rails, linux, deployment
Compare two GIT branches
Stefan Urbansky
0 responses
diff, branching, git
eslint pre-commit hook
Johannes Boyne
1 response
coffeescript, node, git, javascript
Automate JS releasing with Grunt
Nicola Molinari
0 responses
coffeescript, nodejs, npm, release
Custom git script for use with git based deployment
Jon Druse
0 responses
git, deployment, git workflow
Git branch in your terminal prompt
Stefan Urbansky
0 responses
terminal, git, bash
Use Mercurial for dotfiles
Reid Ransom
2 responses
zsh, prompt, dotfiles, hg
git today — Quickly see what you've done today
Roberto Bonvallet
22 responses
git alias, git
Bookmarklet to open package's npm link
0 responses
npm, bookmarklet, npmsearch, npmjs
git: mails to all branch authors
Marcin Wosinek
1 response
linux, git
More readable git word diff on macOS or Amazon Linux/CentOS/RedHat
Cameron Tod
7 responses
diff, osx, brew, git