Newest G It Programming Tips
Mastering GIT commands
Oswaldo Ferreira
0 responses
commands, git, reset, revert
Find a pull request given the commit sha
Miguel Ángel Fernández
0 responses
pull, request, git
Autocompose changelog for git projects
Alexander Schepanovski
0 responses
shell, alias, changelog, changes
git deliver
Amy Unger
0 responses
git, brogramming
Git: Disable Force Push
Ivan Sim
0 responses
git, ivanhcsim, github
Git: rewrite your history
Michaël Marinetti
0 responses
git, log, rebase, commit
Git conflicts resolving helpers
Dmitriy Rozhkov
0 responses
merge, conflicts, git, bash
Set language for a GitHub Gist
David Timmerman
0 responses
gist, github
Get rss feed from Gist by adding .atom bt the end
Jichao Ouyang
0 responses
gist, git, github
Checklists from the book: Code Complete
Janos Gyerik
0 responses
git, software-architecture, software-design
Trun your Github Issue into kanban with greasemonkey & Gira
Jichao Ouyang
0 responses
jira, issues, kanban, github
Change the date of a commit in Git
Lucia Escanellas
0 responses
commit, date, git
Customize terminal with oh-my-zsh
eranga bandara
3 responses
shell, zsh, terminal, osx
Easy to ship your project on Github to your user
0 responses
shell, golang, go, github
Make URI's Easier To Work With
Nicholas Jordon
0 responses
open source, ci, git, uri
Custom GIT shell PS1
Jorge de los Santos Lanzas
0 responses
shell, prompt, git, bash
Laravel 學習筆記 Lesson 1
0 responses
php, laravel, nginx, composer