Popular Front End Programming Tips
Inheritance in JavaScript it's all prototypal
Steven Iseki
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Tutorial for Node/Express/Vows/Mongoose
Christopher Kruse
0 responses
express, js, tutorial, vows
Ember.js Naming Conventions
Peter Wagenet
0 responses
ember.js, javascript
Open Street Map Geocoding module
Matt Null
0 responses
nodejs, javascript, open street map, geocoding
Testing an Ionic app with Jest
Mike Reyes
0 responses
angularjs, javascript, unit-testing, ionic
Flubber - Open source PHP framework with jQuery
Madhu GB
0 responses
php, opensource, framework, jquery
You don't want to build your own minifier
Matthias Mullie
3 responses
php, css, js, minify
Feature detection for CSS Transitions on pseudo-elements like :before and :after
1 response
css, transition, pseudo-elements, javascript
JS: Convert price by any string to float
Eduardo Martines
0 responses
test, string, float, convert
Mobile Detect and Redirect Script for HTML
Rashaad Essop
0 responses
javascript, mobile detect, sniffer, mobile redirect
ExtJS XTemplate with Models
Rhodri Pugh
0 responses
extjs, javascript
Rich client-side applications for ASP.NET backends
Ionut-Cristian Florescu
0 responses
nodejs, stylus, npm, workflow
get request with promise in nodejs
Bruce Lim
0 responses
nodejs, javascript, request, promise
Set up drf to play well with angular templates
Connor Leech
0 responses
django, angular.js, angular, django-rest-framework
jQuery Knob
0 responses
jquery, knop
Mozilla's X-Ray Goggles Script Bookmarklet
Rashaad Essop
0 responses
mdn, hacks, bookmarklet, javascript
Please check your click handler
Dmitry Pashkevich
4 responses
jquery, productivity, usability, ux
Alien-Avatar Generator
Tim Pietrusky
0 responses
css, canvas, design, generator
HALbert - Start using Hypermedia APIs
Xavier Cambar
0 responses
hypermedia, javascript, hal
Improve your productivity with Code Generation and T4 Text Templates
Ion D. Filho
0 responses
.net, csharp, productivity, javascript
Rok Fajfar
0 responses
javascript, html5, js, canvas
Take screenshot in chrome extension
Suman Paul
0 responses
chrome, javascript
jQuery Compatible JSONP With Nginx
Erik Zaadi
0 responses
jquery, json, nginx, jsonp
Post increment gotcha
Alexander Brevig
1 response
csharp, c-c, java, javascript
Using parseInt without radix
Eli Perelman
0 responses
ecmascript, javascript