Last Updated: February 25, 2016
· skopp

Mozilla's X-Ray Goggles Script Bookmarklet

Via MDN/Hackasaurus

This script is basically as its name implies - a pair of "X-ray goggles" that should show the underlying code of any element on a webpage under the viewer it generates.

Simply save the code as a bookmark, and press it when you want to use it.

javascript:(<"SAFTETY" plug-REMOVE before use>function(){var script=document.createElement('script');script.src='http://webxray[dot]hackasaurus[dooooooot]org/webxray[DOTTTT]js';script.className='webxray';document.head.appendChild(script);})();    

Note: I placed a 'safety plug' in there just to help deter this thing from somehow becoming sentient like those Machines in The Matrix or something. I have a habit of doing this with scripts - especially ones with function calls in them. Remove the safety plug and replace the 'dot''s with actual periods. Have fun.