Popular Ci Programming Tips
Check Jenkins for build status via a shell script
Julian Churchill
2 responses
shell, ci, jenkins, bash
Speed up Travis-CI build preparation time by 800%
Michał Czyż
5 responses
ruby, rails, ci, travis-ci
CI for Open Source iOS Applications, Part 1: Setup
Brian Gesiak
0 responses
xcode, ci, jenkins, objective-c
Getting TeamCity to build ASP.net MVC 3+ Web Solutions
5 responses
ci, cd, msbuild, c#
Use Mocha and PhantomJS to automate the testing of web application front-ends
Frank Rousseau
0 responses
web, ci, testing, automate
Error failed to open stream in Code Igniter
David (Josh)
0 responses
php, apache, ci, code igniter
Travis-CI and MongoDB
Tobias Trelle
3 responses
ci, mongodb, travis, java
iOS Integration Testing: KIF or bwoken?
Brian Gesiak
0 responses
ci, integration-testing, kif, bwoken
Automate Unit Testing a Titanium Alloy project
Denver Sessink
4 responses
alloy, ci, unittest, jenkins
Encrypt your Code Climate repo token for public repositories on Travis CI
0 responses
ruby, ci, travis, code climate
Robot Framework - Test Automation Tool
Thomas Jaspers
0 responses
ci, robot framework, test automation
Dynamic Constants in Codeigniter 2.1.2
0 responses
php, mysql, codeigniter, ci
Jenkins: Delivery Pipeline Plugin
Christof Damian
0 responses
ci, build, jenkins, pipeline
Continuous Integration and Deployment with Cucumber
0 responses
heroku, cucumber, ci, continuous delivery
Use PhantomJS to automate functional testing of web applications
0 responses
ci, jenkins, automate, phantomjs
Run your BusterJs test with Grunt on TravisCI
Andreas Köberle
1 response
ci, unittest, travis, busterjs
Lose the Feature Branch
Steve Woodruff
0 responses
ci, agile, git, continuous integration
CI for your GitHub-Projects with CloudBees
Thomas Jaspers
0 responses
ci, java, jenkins, cloudbees
Setup a node.js project with CI on travis and code coverage on codeclimate
Pedro Januário
0 responses
software, ci, travis, nodejs
Stopping Travis CI email notifications on success
Gilad Peleg
0 responses
yml, ci, travis, email
Free build server as a service for C#/.Net
Kasper B. Graversen
0 responses
.net, test, ci, unit test
Travis CI for Your CoffeeScript Project
0 responses
coffeescript, nodejs, node, ci
Speed up Travis CI builds by caching the bundle to S3
Matias Korhonen
2 responses
ruby, bundler, k33l0r, ci
How to test your web apps with Selenium
0 responses
ci, selenium, behavior driven development, browser testing
Organise you CodeIgniter setup
Gustav Westling
1 response
php, codeigniter, ci