Popular Backbone Programming Tips
Build Android with Javascript
Antonin Januska
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android, backbone, knockout, javascript
Create Bootstrap Elements Programmatically with Backbone
Chris Woodford
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ruby, coffeescript, rails, bootstrap
Rails, Backbone, Oauth, Websocket, Heroku Sample Application
Rafael Jesus
1 response
rails, heroku, puma, oauth
django, tastypie, coffee, stylus, backbone and require playing on heroku
justin j. moses
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heroku, django, coffee, backbone
backbone.js and touchevents
Jan Mühlemann
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backbone, touch
MarionetteJS View Controller as a RequireJS module
brandon flowers
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backbone, javascript, marionette
Firefox + Backbone Debugging
Hélder Duarte
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firefox, debug, debugger, backbone
I ported 2048 JavaScript Game to Backbone.js
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backbone, game, javascript, 2048
JavaScript bundle
Davi Ferreira
0 responses
javascript, nodejs, backbone, bundle
Get QUnit & PhantomJS running in Windows
Arielle Nguyen
0 responses
backbone, unit testing, qunit, phantomjs
Coderwall is live on Assembly
Mike Hall
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ember.js, ruby, rails, coderwall
Making a (backbone) collection into an iterator
Arijit Bhattacharya
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backbone, patterns, javascript
BackboneJS save calling error handler on success
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backbone, javascript
Learnings from Client-side and Server-side rendering in Backbone.js
Joel Kemp
0 responses
backbone, javascript
Async Loading of Templates in Backbone
Kurtis Kemple
0 responses
templates, backbone, async, external templates
Getting started with Yeoman
Francesco Zaia
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backbone, yo, grunt, yeoman
Getting your head around backbone.js
Cristiano Diniz da Silva
0 responses
backbone, tutorial, backbone.js, resources
Backbone and other webapps projects with yeoman
Brad Rice
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backbone, yeoman
Yoeman project only building in root directory
Fay Pickering
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backbone, yeoman, javascript, bash
Do you really need a custom JavaScript framework?
Srihari Sridharan
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backbone, knockout, marionette, angular
The Case of the Bad MapReduce
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backbone, fan-fiction
Backbone.js Lessons Learned and Improved Sample App
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backbone, javascript
Backbone in wordpress plugin
Md Imranur Rahman
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wordpress, backbone, wordpress plugin, undescore
Filtering on IDs in JavaScript
Bryan Mikaelian
0 responses
javascript, backbone, underscore