Popular Android Programming Tips
Hide TitleBar after start PhoneGap Android app (Cordova 2.0)
Jirka Dvorak
0 responses
android, phonegap, titlebar, androidmanifest
Leaking context in Android
Mustafa Ali
1 response
android, context, memory leaks
Android TDD with asynchronous code
0 responses
tdd, android, multithreading, java
Using Maven and Eclipse for Android
Leif Janzik
0 responses
android, maven, continuous integration
Android:Sliding Menu & SurfaceView
Adnaan Badr
1 response
android, sliding menu, surfaceview
Dynamically switching Android fragments
Mahmoud Hossam
0 responses
android, fragment
Event Driven java and more - server, client, and Android
Alex Boyd
0 responses
ruby, python, android, vert.x
HttpUriRequest and HttpPut, sending a payload String with multilingual characters.
0 responses
java, httpput, httpurirequest, android
Testing Activity leaks on Android
Yigit Boyar
1 response
android, memory leak
Getting started with PhoneGap (build an exercise tracking app)
0 responses
css, html, android, phonegap
Add Analytics to Android Mobile Apps; quick & easy.
0 responses
parse, analytics, mobile app, android
Gestures on a Table in LibGDX...
Alex Hart
0 responses
android, input, events, table
ImageViewNext: download, two-level cache and animated GIFs!
Francesco Pontillo
0 responses
android, open source, imageview, cache
Cool Android Libraries
André Bandarra
5 responses
android, actionbarsherlock, viewpagerindicator, java
Checking Google Play services Availability
Enrique Diaz
0 responses
android, google play services
Facebook Android SDK reauthorizeForPublish() loses old permissions
Pulkit Goyal
0 responses
permissions, facebook, application, java
Inspecting HTML/JS code on Android devices for web development
Francesco Zaia
1 response
css, android, web development, responsive web design
Remember, HTTPClients aren't just for APIs!
2 responses
web, automation, http, parsing
Autocomplete ADB commands in bash
Carson Brown
1 response
terminal, android, awesome, magic
Save time writing Java with Eclipse using save actions
Mark Vaughn
0 responses
android, tips, productivity, eclipse
PhoneGap, SELECTs, and 3D Transforms, Oh My!
Kerri Shotts
0 responses
android, mobile, cordova, phonegap