Popular Programming Tips
Use std::function for all your function-passing needs.
Natalie Wolfe
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c, std, lambda functions, natelillich
Backup DB with pg_dump to AWS S3
Bruno Coimbra
1 response
pg_dump, bash, aws-cli, backup
Ubuntu 12.04: Installing Apache2 + PHP5 + MySQL + phpMyAdmin
Sebastian Muszyński
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mysql, apache2, ubuntu, phpmyadmin
Github Atom Invites!
Rick Hanlon II
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beta, atom, invites, github
Crawling all URIs with wget and grep
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script, grep, wget, bash
Javascript Twitter Social Login Bootstrap Button for OAuth
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javascript, oauth, twitter, social login
git today — Quickly see what you've done today
Roberto Bonvallet
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git alias, git
Better "duplicate line" command for Sublime Text 2
Jon Thomas
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sublime text, st2
Many to many in Rails: Tagging with Select2
Sebastián González
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rails, tag, select2
Initialization of an AngularJS Application with Asynchronous Data
Tobias Gesellchen
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promise, angularjs, angular.js, initialization
Automated Update a Running Docker Container and CleanUP old Version of it!
Frank Lemanschik
1 response
image, deploy, update, production
Passing Request URI into Request Header
Julian Lannigan
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php, coldfusion, request, url
AngularJS UI Router with named views & abstract controllers
Oliver Tupman
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javascript, angularjs, ionicframework
PDO Persistent Connection
Shay Ben Moshe
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php, shayfalador
Javascript String.split that'll return the remainder
Björn Andersson
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utilities, string, array, split
Unit Testing a Custom AngularJS Directive
Samuel Chow
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unit testing, javascript, angularjs, jasmine
How to generate clean url slug in C#
Joan Caron
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seo, c#, url slug c#, slug .net
Fallback SVG to PNG in img element
Thomas Bekaert
4 responses
images, svg, modernizr, javascript
A very short introduction to Moment.js
Ammar Zerouk
0 responses
node, javascript, moment.js, web developement
Manipulating Sets of Elements using D3.js
Sebastian Ullherr
0 responses
javascript, d3
Fixing "fsck / terminated with status 4" Ubuntu boot error
Akapo Damilola Francis
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terminal, linux, vilgax321, ubuntu
Rails: Exporting data to spreadsheets
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rails, excel, spreadsheet, xls
Strong Parameters & nested attributes don't forget [:id, '_destroy']
Ankit gupta
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rails, strong_parameters, nested_attributes
gem install mysql2 failed on mac, mysql.h is missing ....
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brew, mysql2