Popular Programming Tips
bash script to generate tree structure of a directory
Pravendra Singh
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linux, command, bash, filesystem
Has many through in Laravel
Mochammad Masbuchin
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laravel, eager loadng, has many through, database relationship
persisted? && new_record? for checking existing record
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rails, rashmi14yadav, active_record
Existing PostgreSQL ENUMs in Alembic
Iain Campbell
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python, sqlalchemy, postgresql, alembic
How to build a MySQL-powered search engine
Matthias Mullie
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mysql, search engine, php
Backup all modified files in git.
Sequoia McDowell
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vim, xargs, git
Conditionally toggle a class on a element with 1 jQuery statement
Dustin Haffner
0 responses
css, javascript, jquery
Fast Switching PHP on OS X
Marc Qualie
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php, homebrew, bash
Modifying nullable columns in Alembic
Iain Campbell
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python, postgresql, alembic
Testing $.ajax calls with Jasmine 2
Ricardo Magalhães
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tdd, test, testing, async
Increase open files limit and drop privileges in Python
Simon Pantzare
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python, setgid, ulimit, subprocess
Fix encoding issue with Ecto and Poison
Estevão Mascarenhas
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elixir, elixir-lang, phoenix
Create .ruby-version and .ruby-gemset files using RVM
Dwight Scott
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ruby, rails, rvm, rvmrc
AngularJS live search
Craig H-R
1 response
enable vim with lua support
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lua, vim, macvim
Proper Background Content Loading in Android
Jose Salcido
0 responses
android, development, design
Json format for tuples in play json
Jose Raya
1 response
scala, json, play
Share localhost with anyone
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python, rails, osx, design
Execute code after a set of AJAX calls using jQuery
Guido Bouman
0 responses
http, requests, request, asynchronous
Reset iOS Safari's emulated hover state
Joel Birch
2 responses
ios, bug, safari, touch
Generic EventArgs class
Toni Petrina
0 responses
.net, csharp
Launch upstart services after Vagrant mount
5 responses
vagrant, ubuntu, upstart