Popular Programming Tips
Cross Browser CSS Rotation Sass Mixin
Fabrice Lejeune
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Automated PostgreSQL install and configuration with PowerShell
Stefan Prodan
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How to measure your Javascript to the nanosecond level?
Avner Cohen
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Go to function definition in Chrome Developer Tools
Dmitry Pashkevich
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Change label on a field in Django admin
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Sublime Text 2 - End and Begin of Line in Mac OS
Bruno "Clef"
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read yaml files in bash
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bash, ruby, yaml
A new Vim monokai color scheme for JavaScript
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vim, javascript
Open a coredump with lldb
Daniel Wehner
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CSS inverted border radius
Nil Gradisnik
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css, border-radius, html, inverted
Encoding Multiply Files to UTF8 without BOM with C#
Samuel Diogo
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utf8, c#, enconding multiply files
Find routes in Rails console
Tadas Tamošauskas
1 response
ruby, rails, irb
Fix Chrome's issues with background-attachment: fixed
Jon Thomas
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css3, webkit, foundation, zurb
How to setup local_settings.py for your Django 1.4.2 project
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python, django, git, local_settings
Rebuild bundler gems with native extensions
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bundler, rubygems
Mind the order of :includes for has_many :through
Robert Wünsch
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activerecord, rails, query
Mockito argument matchers and Scala
Jim Kinsey
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scala, mockito
A Simple Chat Server Using nodejs express and socket.io
Ivan Sim
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ivanhcsim, nodejs
Showing errors messages in Rails 4
Leonardo Faria
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rails, helpers
Avoid Double Render errors in your Rails App
Rajeev N Bharshetty
0 responses
rails, tips, controllers, render