Popular Programming Tips
Calculating Median in PostgreSQL
0 responses
sql, aggregation, postgresql, median
Strip Accents (Diacritics) From A String in JavaScript
Luke Madhanga
0 responses
ascii, unicode, javascript, accents
PHP - Convert mixed array & objects recursively
Jason Oakley
6 responses
php, objects, oo, procedural
Toshihiro Shimizu
1 response
node, angularjs, socket.io
Rails , HAML and form_tag
Martin Haynes
0 responses
ruby, rails, haml, form_tag
Parsing logs with awk
Tim Moore
0 responses
shell, logs, apache, awk
OS X Mavericks Finder: Keyboard shortcut for tagging
3 responses
osx, keyboard, finder, shortcut
Remove intellij folders from your GitHub REPO
Hélio Cabral Medeiros
1 response
intellij, git, remove, github
enable USB and CDROM in windows registry
0 responses
windows, registry
5 columns layout with Twitter Bootstrap
Zura Jijavadze
1 response
css, twitter, bootstrap, custom
"Callback Hell" in JS/Node.js is a Myth
Irakli Nadareishvili
13 responses
node, asynchronous, javascript
Update your font-size to REM units
Elad Shechter
7 responses
css, responsive design, css3, web design
Managing assets in ASPAX vs Grunt
Ionut-Cristian Florescu
4 responses
coffeescript, css, stylus, workflow
Turn textareas into a mini Vim or Emacs
Benjamin Harris
1 response
emacs, vim, browser, editor
Careful with NSURLSession
Claudio Poli
1 response
cocoa, nsurlsession, ios
Updating a brew installed npm
Evan Dale Aromin
1 response
osx, homebrew, nodejs
Mcollective mco Cheat Sheet
Jason Ashby
0 responses
puppet, devops, mcollective, mco
Getting weather via your command line
Daniel Pepin
4 responses
php, script, api, weather
Angular - Internationalisation - Adding RTL Support
0 responses
rtl, angular, internationalisation, angular-translate
Fast Parallel downloads in Golang with Accept-Ranges and Goroutines
2 responses
productivity, http, go
Reset lost root password on Raspbian Raspberry Pi
0 responses
raspberry pi, root, root password, raspi
Searchable RegEx Cheat Sheet
James Barnett
0 responses
regex, linux, cheatsheet, bash
Bootstrap 3, grid system and hi-density small screens detected as XS
Aleksander Ciesiołkiewicz
3 responses
css, css3, js, bootstrap
Dell XPS 13 i7 Haswell (9533) not booting (SOLVED)
0 responses
dell, xps, 13