Popular Programming Tips
Proxy with DigitalOcean
2 responses
shell, osx, mac, proxy
Improve scroll performance of Chrome when using background-size: cover;
René Ras
5 responses
css, chrome, performance, background-size
My Workspace
Chris Eppstein
0 responses
Choose local or remote version in a merge conflict
0 responses
merge, merge conflict, git
Heroku + Rails + Bower
Anthony Smith
13 responses
heroku, rails, bower
Writing a queue system in Redis
Richard Lyon
8 responses
coffeescript, node, redis, beanstalkd
creating a mirrored ZFS Pool out of a single-disk rpool
Philipp Haußleiter
0 responses
update, zfs, mirror, attach
Magic formula for automatically summing rows in a Google Spreadsheet
Adam Phillips
2 responses
google, spreadsheets
Using EJS engine with Express 3.X / NodeJS
0 responses
express, rendering, nodejs, ejs
ACE editor form submit
Daniel Tralamazza
1 response
html, form, ace
Use http_build_query() with CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS in PHP
Leonard Challis
0 responses
php, twitter, curl, oauth
Styling input type range in Chrome and Firefox
Andrei Oprea
4 responses
css, chrome, firefox, input
Don't let your Backbone.js views grow up to be Zombies!
Brian Erickson
3 responses
javascript, backbone.js
Symfony2 - The translation miracle
Max Małecki
10 responses
php, translations, symfony2, miracle
Recode Windows-1252 characters as UTF-8
Marcello Barnaba
1 response
ruby, unicode, utf8, standards
Check if object is Array in javascript (ES6/Typescript)
2 responses
javascript, programming, es2015, typescript
List of all facebook supported countries and country codes
Paul Tannenbaum
3 responses
facebook, internationalization
Node.js + MongoDB = MongoJS
Bob Williams
0 responses
mongodb, nosql, javascript, nodejs
How to install Copy.com on a headless linux
Marcelo Waisman
15 responses
linux, storage
Socket.io and OpenShift Websockets
Sorin Baba
9 responses
nodejs, socket.io, openshift, websockets
C# LINQ List Element Comparison
Teddy Garland
0 responses
linq, c#, ienumerable
Debugging JavaScript errors on iOS, android and other mobile devices
Mark Vaughn
1 response
console, android, debugging, iphone
Adding Items to Laravel 4 Collections
Alex Sears
5 responses
php, laravel