Popular Programming Tips
DO NOT $('#foo a'); DO $('#foo').find('a');
Adam Argyle
35 responses
css, performance, dom, jquery
POSTing from Angular to Django
3 responses
python, django, rest, angularjs
Removing whitespace with Vim
Jared McFarland
3 responses
vim, programming, textediting
How to show hidden files on your Mac (works for El Capitan, Sierra)
Ilic Davor
0 responses
mac, apple, show, hidden
forEach on an Array in Swift
Wim Haanstra
1 response
extension, swift
Deploy your project with git to a bare repo
Jupiter St John
5 responses
productivity, git
High Resolution Images in -webkit using image-set() function
Ram Ratan Maurya
4 responses
css, responsive design, css3, webkit
Looping through custom posts by custom taxonomies in WordPress
Jack Whiting
1 response
php, wordpress, loop, post taxonomy
doing an apt-get update in ansible only if a condition is met
Ali-Akber Saifee
1 response
python, deployment, ansible
Localized templates with Handlebars / Mustache
Rafal Pastuszak
0 responses
coffeescript, backbone, amd, handlebars
Get vagrant box guest IP from host
Ronan Guilloux
0 responses
vagrant, ip
Use Vim visual blocks to squash multiple git commits
Craig Marvelley
1 response
vim, rebase, git
0 responses
php, json, javascript, angularjs
Javascript Linkedin Social Login Button for OAuth.io
6 responses
javascript, oauth, social login, bootstrap
PostgreSQL: Flatten hierarchy in one query
0 responses
postgresql, pgsql, recursive cte, hierarchy
Map :W to :w in vim
Alexander Greim
5 responses
viml, vim
Replacing one fragment with another in Android dynamically
Sapan Diwakar
0 responses
android, replace, layout, static
Low Latency Desktop Stream to Raspberry Pi using Hardware Decoding
Chris Turnbull
0 responses
ffmpeg, raspberry pi, gstreamer, h264
Enable scrollback in iTerm2
Montana Flynn
0 responses
osx, tmux, iterm2
Run SU with password command line argument
Chris Turnbull
0 responses
shell, linux
How to install Ansible on SLES 11
Robert Winkler
3 responses
ansible, sles11
Bower and Rails. Friends forever.
9 responses
rails, bower
smux: SSH with auto reconnect & tmux, a mosh replacement
Jinn Koriech
9 responses
ssh, tmux, autossh, mosh
Store credentials in file for use with smbclient
Ferry Boender
0 responses
linux, commandline, samba, smb