Popular Programming Tips
Using NPM modules in Meteor
Benjamin Harris
7 responses
nodejs, npm, module, meteor
SOAP in Ruby with Savon 2 and nested attributes
Martin Naumann
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ruby, soap, nested attributes, martin-n
Javascript TimeAgo Func. (e.g. 8 hours ago)
goker cebeci
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time, date, javascript, timeago
Full Page Gradient Background
Cassio Cardoso
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css, web, development, css3
Extend Git with Custom Commands
Jeff Remer
3 responses
shell, git
Install powerline on OSX mountain lion
Enrique Vidal
6 responses
python, vim, homebrew, macvim
Finding the UUID of an iPhone provisioning profile
Björn Andersson
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rhomobile, iphone, provisioning profile
AngularJS loading directive
Otávio Gouveia do Nascimento
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javascript, directive, angular, angularjs
SSIS Error: The binary code for the script is not found
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ssis, script not found, vs bug, script component
mysqldump | gzip, best combo
Òscar Casajuana
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mysql, backup, gzip, mysqldump
Replace a string recursively in a directory on Mac OS X
Bertrand Chardon
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shell, zsh, terminal, replace
vim paragraph formatting to wrap at 80 characters
Chip Castle
1 response
viml, vimscript, vim, vi
RSpec Test Results in HTML
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ruby, rails, html, rspec
Understanding _.bind
Jimmy Chan
1 response
underscore, bind, javascript, function.bind
jQuery - add CSS animation class and remove after animation
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jquery, css3, animation, javascript
Make your TMux status bar responsive
Łukasz Niemier
12 responses
shell, tmux
Python PEP8 linting in Sublime Text 2
Charles Roper
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python, sublimetext, linting, pep8
How to use Monolog in any PHP file
Matteo Giordano
3 responses
php, logging
Protect secret data in git repo
Marco Vito Moscaritolo
3 responses
security, git, ansible, git-crypth
Get home directory in nodejs
Thierry Le Moulec
3 responses
nodejs, home directory
Configure the Vagrant login user during provisioning using the Shell provider.
Mike Hall
5 responses
ruby, shell, vagrant
CSS-only: Highlight label when focusing an input field
0 responses
css, css3, forms, focus
Testing your JavaScript with Karma runner
5 responses
testing, javascript, jquery, karma-runner
Custom "Like" button in SharePoint 2013
Cato Auestad
7 responses
.net, sharepoint, social, javascript
How to set up Maven in Sublime Text
Kamil W
3 responses
sublime text, maven, build, tutorial