Popular Programming Tips
Read large files line by line in node.js
Stephan Steynfaardt
2 responses
nodejs, large files
如何使用 jieba 結巴中文分詞程式
1 response
python, jieba
handle Response with content-type: application/octet-stream [React]
0 responses
javascript, js, react
Cordova-StartApp: launch external app from Cordova app
Dmitry Medvinsky
3 responses
ios, cordova, phonegap, java
Codeigniter: loading up multiple databases
David Porter
5 responses
php, codeigniter, active-record
Vi mode in Sublime Text
Widy Graycloud
1 response
vim, editor, text, tuts
The new Box Model: Flexbox
Maxi Ferreira
1 response
css, css3, flexbox, flexible box model
Consumiendo un webservice con jQuery y json
Jorge Andrade
0 responses
jquery, json, jsonp, ajax
Export MailChimp Campaign as PDF
Oncle Tom
8 responses
pdf, qt, wkhtmltopdf, mailchimp
ESXi ipmitool(works on any Linux system as well)
Mitchell Turner
4 responses
linux, esxi, ipmi
Fixing NFS exports in Mac OS X
Daniel Gomes
0 responses
danielcsgomes, vagrant, mac os x, nfs
Safely parsing Strings to numbers in Scala
Pierre Andrews
4 responses
scala, parse, string, implicit
Multi Thread wget
Filipe Kiss
5 responses
shell, linux, wget, mac os
Convert RAW photos to JPG in the Mac OS terminal
Ricardo Magalhães
4 responses
terminal, osx, mac, images
Launching Sublime Text 2 in windows command line shortcode
Rob Cullen
12 responses
command, line
How to install IntelliJ on Linux (Mint 13)
Florian Mierzejewski
1 response
intellij, android
Close dropdowns by clicking outside of them with jQuery
Craig Dennis
1 response
click, jquery
iOS - Change Line Height of UITextView
Noval Agung Prayogo
0 responses
objective-c, ios
Pass array through POST method
0 responses
php, json, input, post
Running docker as a client on Mac OS X
8 responses
macosx, mac, virtualization, docker
Firefox @fontface cross domain errors & workarounds
Callum Silcock
8 responses
css, firefox, css3, fontface
PHP Collections
Ítalo Lelis de Vietro
0 responses
php, collections, java, .net
Let's all take a moment of silence... git pull is dead.
Jupiter St John
11 responses
shell, zsh, git, bash