Last Updated: February 25, 2016
· mortimerpa

Safely parsing Strings to numbers in Scala

Too much boilerplate

In Java and Scala, you can convert String to numbers pretty easily, but as you might imagine, not all strings will convert to a number. In both languages, to safely convert your strings, you need to be ready to catch a NumberFormatException. This often creates quite a lot of boilerplate, even in scala.

Once you have caught that exception, it's not clear what to return in the code. In java, you would either return a null, or some default value, but null is evil and it's giving a lot of responsibility to a function to let it decide what is the right default value. The solution to this in Scala is to return an Option and return None in case of an exception (or use Either if you want more info about your exception). You end up with a code like this:

def safeStringToInt(str: String): Option[Int] = try {
} catch {
   case NumberFormatException => None

But seriously, that's a lot of boilerplate for a simple operation that is used pretty often. However, scala creators thought of this kind of cases and provide a nice little tool to do such try/catch that returns an Option, and it's all in the [Exception util class][1]:

def safeStringToInt(str: String): Option[Int] = {
    import scala.util.control.Exception._
    catching(classOf[NumberFormatException]) opt str.toInt

That's already a lot better!

Make it an util

While it's a lot less boilerplate, you need to have this method in your context somewhere and then call it. If you come form Java, you would think of doing this with a static method in some util class. In Scala, there is a much neatier way of doing it: implicits!

Ok, in my two last posts, I complained about implicits, but I was talking about implicit arguments. There is actually some cool implicits in scala:
Implicit conversions allow you to transparently add postfix function to existing types, without having to modify their sources. In scala 2.10, this has been made a lot easier with implicit classes:

object StringUtils {
     implicit class StringImprovements(val s: String) {
         import scala.util.control.Exception._
         def toIntOpt = catching(classOf[NumberFormatException]) opt s.toInt

You can then import StringUtils._ and call toIntOpt on any String:
scala "1234".toIntOpt //> Some(1234) "lkdsfasd".toIntOpt //> None


4 Responses
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This is really really good! Short but helpful and concise :) Thank you. Do you mind actually walking people through or referring us to other good articles on this shortcut "catching" mechanism?

over 1 year ago ·

Wonderful!!!! Using this, I convert the textfield values of Vaadin TextFields classes.
ttCampo2.value.get.toLongOpt , after with an ".get" itś easy to use the int value of the conversion

back to my scaladin tests

*Pierre are you from Brazil? Sou de Aracaju :)

over 1 year ago ·

Hey, I used to live in Brazil ;)

you should never call get on an option, this will also throw an exception when it's None, so it would have no benefit over using the int parsing directly. You should use map, foreach and getOrElse depending on what you want to do.

over 1 year ago ·