Popular Programming Tips
Wordpress Custom Post Type Slider
Austin Ginder
4 responses
slider, custom post type, wordpress
Write for you
0 responses
blogging, writing
.gitignore for Android Studio projects
Iain Connor
1 response
git, android, android studio
Setting Supervisor to *really* stop Django runserver
Rick Hanlon II
15 responses
python, django, supervisord, supervisor
Grep and replace text in files
0 responses
terminal, sed, grep, linux
Edit remote files with Sublime Text over SSH (with sudo too!)
Daniel Demmel
4 responses
ssh, sublimetext, sudo
Angular JS: Injecting a Filter in a Controller
1 response
javascript, web development, angular js, angular controllers
Full Country HTML Select list with Continents
David Allsop
1 response
html country select list, country select list
Simple Data Synchronisation for Web & Mobile apps(working offline)
2 responses
mobile, api, sync, offline
pbcopy and pbpaste on Linux
Charlie Sanders
3 responses
shell, linux, pbcopy, pbpaste
List aliases in UNIX or Linux
Chip Castle
0 responses
shell, aliases, alias, linux
Add a border to any UIView
Cherif YAYA
0 responses
ios, objective-c
Testing on Android Studio
2 responses
tdd, android, testing, bdd
Reset jQuery form validation (jQuery.validate)
Ion D. Filho
0 responses
css, js, validation, jquery
git + gpg, know thy commits
3 responses
gpg, git
Google Now ListView Style
15 responses
google, mobile, ui design, development
Roll your own session storage for Node.js / Express
Ionut-Cristian Florescu
6 responses
coffeescript, mongodb, mongoose, nodejs
Use PHP with your Yeoman dev server
Jedidiah Hurt
15 responses
php, nodejs, yeoman, livereload
Urlencode filter in Jinja2
Alexandre Bulté
1 response
python, flask, jinja2
Mac Homebrew start/stop services
Luca Guidi
2 responses
mac, lean, brew, tmux
Test your bootable USB drive with QEMU
Pascal Hartig
0 responses
linux, qemu, usb
From HttpResponseMessage to IHttpActionResult
Blaise Liu
0 responses
mvc, webapi, asp.net
AngularJS: Scroll Animations
Jose Jesus Perez Aguinaga
3 responses
angularjs, animations, javascript
Scraping web pages using Node.js using request+promise
Peter deHaan
2 responses
request, promise, nodejs