Popular Programming Tips
ST2: vertical line after 80 characters
Willem van der Jagt
1 response
sublime text 2, st2
Google URL Shortener API in Ruby
Jésus Lopes
0 responses
ruby, rubygems, googl
Copy postgres databases between Heroku apps.
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heroku, postgres rails
Lightweight gemsets with rbenv
Rico Sta. Cruz
2 responses
ruby, rubygems, gems, rvm
vim color schemes
Konstantin Gorodinskiy
2 responses
vim, color schemes
Sync iTunes via rsync to a NAS when it’s content changes
Stefan Imhoff
2 responses
macosx, plist, itunes, rsync
The most awesome git alias on the planet
Vitor Balocco
1 response
gitconfig, git alias, git rebase, .gitconfig
Linux and (Bash) Shell: Basics
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shell, linux, bash
Laravel 4 acceptance testing with Codeception
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php, laravel, testing, bdd
Multi-Sort A Backbone Collection
1 response
backbone, collection, model, sort
Lint code before git pushing
Raine Virta
0 responses
jshint, git, gulp, scsslint
Get a List of all Object References of a specific Form Type in the current Cell with Papyrus
Ritchie Flick
0 responses
skyrim, list, papyrus, skse
Using Highchart in CakePHP
1 response
php, cakephp, chart, highchart
Running Protractor tests with a headless browser on Travis CI
Nicholas Jackson
0 responses
travis ci, selenium, xvfb, protractor
Chef: Avoid execute, ruby_block, ...
Hannes Georg
6 responses
chef, best practice
Reload a single gem dependency source file
Marcello Barnaba
0 responses
ruby, rails, hack, trick
RGBA on Internet Explorer 7+
David Strada
1 response
css, css3
How to fetch GET, POST and URL based params with NodeJS
0 responses
express, route, url, javascript
Create vagrant boxes easily (Veewee)
Marco da Silva
2 responses
virtualbox, vagrant, veewee, virtualmachine
Customize Range Input with Semantic UI style
0 responses
css, semantic ui, web dev
Resetting your MySQL root password on Mac OSX Lion
Carlos Saba
0 responses
mysql, lion, password, root
quickly build native ruby packages with fpm + rbenv
Sam Halicke
1 response
ruby, rbenv, centos, debian