Popular Programming Tips
Django URL redirect shortcut
Tim Heap
0 responses
python, django, shortcuts, web development
Be careful about OnDisconnected when using SignalR
Ezeki Zibzibadze
0 responses
.net, signalr, disconnect
Node.js - PaaS everywhere!
Igor Ramadas
6 responses
heroku, nodejs, cloud, openshift
Allow native-feeling scroll in iOS webkit for absolutely positioned containers
Jon Thomas
2 responses
css, ios, webkit, frontend
Helper for creating language anchors in Laravel
Mario Basic
1 response
php, laravel, helper, url
Console.log Fallback (IE)
Greg Babula
0 responses
connect to remote adb server
daniel anggrianto
0 responses
adb, android, remote
Doing slim templates with angular & rails? Try this.
Tim Anema
5 responses
rails, angular, angularjs
Use `setValue:forKey:` instead of `setObject:forKey` if value can be nil
0 responses
objective-c, ios
CRUD using indexedDB/WebSQL sample code
Florin Cosmin
1 response
indexeddb, javascript, websql
HEX colors in Swift
Anthony Shabanov
2 responses
swift, ios, hex color
Node/Express middleware to post-process requests
0 responses
node, express, middleware
Inherited Resources with Rails 4 and strong parameters
Josemar Luedke
0 responses
rails, rails4, strong_parameters, inherited_resources
Creating colored images in iOS
Tom Kruijsen
1 response
ios, images
Faking a Push Segue (Objective-C)
Ricardo Funk
1 response
xcode, development, ios, objective-c
Installing Asterisk 11 with WebRTC / Websockets for Mandriva
Matthew Gladman
0 responses
linux, asterisk, websockets, asterisk 11
Loading big dataset quickly in angularjs
0 responses
angularjs, javascript
Ember.run.later and setTimeout comparing scenario.
0 responses
ember, javascript
Vim: Edit Files that Grep finds
Bart Lantz
8 responses
grep, vim, commandline
XCode: View TODO, FIXME, Custom Tags as warning
Ankit Shah
1 response
xcode, todo, ios, fixme
mkdircd the child of mkdir and cd
Jupiter St John
2 responses
shell, zsh, alias, cd
Image Magick to change image color
James Huynh
0 responses
command line, conversion, imagemagick