Popular Programming Tips
iOS - Canceling delayed performSelector
Noval Agung Prayogo
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objective-c, ios
Go implementation of a JSON consuming RESTful API.
Matthew Brown
0 responses
http, rest, api, json
Best Practices: Testing Rails controllers with RSpec
Ryan Sonnek
2 responses
ruby, rails, testing, rspec
LISP: consp or listp ?
Raghu Ugare
0 responses
lisp, gotchas, common lisp, predicates
Verify an expiration date
0 responses
laravel, php
Capistrano remote_cache
Brian Jones
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capistrano, git
FOSUserBundle: Using BCrypt Password Encoder
Andréia Bohner
0 responses
security, bcrypt, fosuserbundle, symfony2
Jump to anchor with onClick
Junior B.
0 responses
anchor, html, javascript
Meteor Package API Example
Stefano Diem Benatti
1 response
meteor, meteorite, javascript, atmosphere
Accordion List Plus More - jQuery
Joanna Ong
0 responses
lists, accordion, jquery
Gradle: collect application dependencies
0 responses
gradle, dependency management
HTTPie, an easy to use cURL replacement
Jakub Roztocil
0 responses
python, cli, http, curl
img max-width: 100% breaks Google Maps
Matt Stow
0 responses
css, responsive design, google maps, rwd
Log mongoid queries inline in rails console
Steve McHail
1 response
rails, console, logging, mongoid
Submit IOS app to Apple App Store
Steven Iseki
1 response
apple, app, cordova, ios
Return multiple values from a function in C.
ranjeet kumar
0 responses
tips, coding, c
Bang Cash (!$)
Robin Curry
15 responses
That noop operator in bash
Gildas Cherruel
0 responses
bash, noop, dry run
C++ Erase elements from containers by indices
Nikos Athanasiou
0 responses
vector, index, stl, template
jQuery tutorial
Steven Iseki
3 responses
iTunes Command Line Interface
Mateusz Gachowski
1 response
cli, interface, itunes, command
MySQLHandler for python logging
0 responses
python, mysql, logging, threading
Using UUID instead of ids with Postgres and Rails
Pavel Pravosud
4 responses
rails, postgres, migration, uuid
[Capybara] Click in a div/span
Luciano Sousa
0 responses
ruby, capybara, rspec, testunit
The secret behind filtering collectionViews in Marionette
Sam Saccone
3 responses
coffeescript, backbone, javascript, marionette