Last Updated: February 25, 2016
· hslzr

Show the 'View more' button using jQuery

This tiny codelines allow to display the 'View more' button in your wall texts, so it doesn't look gigantic or I don't know. Whatever you may use it.

$(document).ready(function() {

    var my_div = $('.that_div_whose_selector_is_too_long');

    /*  Expands the selection to every item with that class  */

    my_div.each(function(event) {        

        var max_length = 150;

/* Verify if it surpasses the limit */

        if (my_div.html().length > max_length) {

/* Cuts the text with the substr method. I'll explain it below */ 

            var short_text = $(this).html().substr(0, max_length);
            var long_text = $(this).html().substr(max_length);

/*  Modifies the html so it displays the shortened text  */

            $(this).html(short_text + 
                "<a href='#' class='view_more_button'>...View more</a>" + 
                "<span class='rest_of_text' style='display: none;'>" + long_text + "</span>");

/* Note how we added a span containing the rest of the text, but it is not showing itself. */

            $(this).find('a.view_more_button').click(function(event) {

/* Prevents the 'a' from changing the url */


/* Hides the 'view more' */


/* Displays the rest of the text */


Now, about the substr function. This function cuts a string (in this case, the html inside our div) and has two parameters:

  • The starting point (every string starts at 0)
  • The ending point (optional)

first we did this:

var short_text = $(this).html().substr(0, max_length);

Let's say, for example, the string inside our div was "Hello, I'm an awesome div" and our maxlength equals 16. In that case, **shorttext** would be equal to:

Hello, I'm an awe

Given that, an using substr to get the rest of the string, we would use:

var long_text = $(this).html().substr(max_lenght);

And it is the same as:

some div

Then, when we merge those two we get the full message...

Hello, I'm an awesome div
|-- short text -||-long text-|

*UPDATE * -- Ajax request

Now, for a practical example with ajax, the code would be almost the same. All you'd have to do is a $.get() request.

$.get('your_file.txt', function(data) {

    // Same instructions from above
    var data_short = data.substr(0, max_length);
    var data_long = data.substr(max_length);

    // ...As I said, same instructions from above.

}); //End of the $.get() request.

3 Responses
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Again me, can you make an Ajax call using Jquery? =)

PD: we're Living in the same city

over 1 year ago ·

Your code works well, but there's a typo in


It should be FUNCTION. Took me some time to find out what was going wrong!

over 1 year ago ·

Wow, 1+ year later and I didn't see that, thanks!

over 1 year ago ·