Popular Programming Tips
Using Backbone with RequireJS
Mark Wales
5 responses
backbone, amd, modules, requirejs
linux - mirror an entire website locally
John Antoni Griffiths
0 responses
wget, linux
Using Pry with Pow
Ruben Ascencio
0 responses
ruby, rails, pow, pry
Brazillian currency fields with simple_form on Ruby on Rails
Patrick Müller
3 responses
ruby, rails, input, i18n
var_dump vs. var_export
Joel Kuzmarski
5 responses
php, debugging
jqGrid Refresh WITH Filters
Charles Solar
0 responses
jqgrid, grid, ui, jquery
break point in clojure
dennis zhuang
1 response
clojure, debug, macro, break-point
Show the 'View more' button using jQuery
Héctor Salazar
3 responses
html, javascript, jquery
Redirect to previous URL after login with Devise
Lee Machin
0 responses
ruby, rails, devise, redirect
Painlessly Remove All Ruby Gems
Milan Roy
0 responses
ruby, rails, ruby gems
Use a symlink with Laravel Valet to rename the "public" folder to anything you want.
Jon Thomas
0 responses
valet, php, macos, osx
Make rvm and Sublime Text 2 play nice
Frank Louwers
5 responses
rvm, sublime text2
Git protocol behind a proxy
Grant Walker
2 responses
proxy, https, git
Most minimal backbone.js app possible
David Morrow
2 responses
mvc, javascript, backbone.js
Scale your KineticJS game dynamically
Andrej Mihajlov
1 response
canvas, html5, javascript, kineticjs
SASS Syntax Highlighting in Sublime Text 2
Aaron Miler
0 responses
rails, sublime, sass, scss
Test IIS Express web applications on remote devices
Ionut-Cristian Florescu
1 response
nodejs, productivity, npm, workflow
I Don't Need No Stinkin' Git Merge Bubbles
Julio A. Mistral
4 responses
git, source control
Install nokogiri gem on CentOS with prerequesites
Ivan Storck
1 response
ruby, centos, nokogiri
CSS Only Radio, Checkbox styles. Fat finger friendly ;)
Peter Peterson
0 responses
css, mobile, accessibility, html
Gevent with debug support for Flask
Hsiaoming Yang
0 responses
python, web, flask, gevent
Output an NSString to STDOUT in Objective-C
Max Woolf
1 response
cli, stdout, objective-c
Switching branch with repo for Android Source code
0 responses
android, repo, android source code