Popular Programming Tips
Deleting nested hashes
Gus Bonfant
0 responses
ruby, rails, hash
Fastest way to add a new language to Drupal site.
Adam Dziendziel
1 response
drupal, localization, multilingual
Object.extend Black Magic
Chris Coniglio
7 responses
javascript, prototypes, inheritance, object.create
Setting routes for Rails API
0 responses
rails, api, routes
Website and vignette effect
Marco Trulla
0 responses
css, effect, vignette
Discard response body in Go http request
josh bowles
0 responses
http, golang, go
Unlock the GitHub Game Off badges
Matthew Deiters
5 responses
game-development, badges, github
Using fpm to convert a python package to an rpm
Jason Ashby
2 responses
python, puppet, rpm, fpm
Working with Grails behind a proxy
Stevie Braga
0 responses
proxy, grails
Grouped multiselect with simple_form and nested_set
sergey kuchmistov
0 responses
ruby, rails, simple_form, nested_set
Dependency Injection for Configuring Play Framework Database Connection(s) part 2
Pierre Andrews
3 responses
scala, dependency injection, play framework, monad
proxy.php: proxy any POST from javascript to anywhere
Dominik Pich
0 responses
php, javascript
TDD for Dockerfile by RSpec (severspec)
1 response
ruby, docker
Eloquent - Transaction
0 responses
laravel, transaction, eloquent
cp with progress bar
Rafał Malinowski
10 responses
shell, terminal, bash
Why not to use NOW() in MySQL
Scott Horsley
7 responses
php, mysql
SSH Tunneling
Osvaldo Zonetti
0 responses
cli, ssh, unix, remote
Handling non-200 status codes in Backbone
Mark Wales
0 responses
backbone, error, jquery, ajax
Sending a Referral URL to Controllers when Testing in Laravel
Alex Sears
0 responses
php, laravel, testing, phpunit
Yomu - Read text and metadata from files and documents (.doc, .docx, .pages, .odt, .rtf, .pdf)
Erol Fornoles
0 responses
ruby, apache, text, pdf
Restore a Single Table From mysqldump
Dimitrios Meggidis
0 responses
mysql, insert, mysqldump, mysqldump export single table
Using arel_table for ILIKE (yes, even with integers)
Sam Slotsky
0 responses
rails, arel_table, ilike
MySQL Composite Index
0 responses
mysql, index