Popular Programming Tips
Stop / remove all Docker containers
Fabio Rehm
32 responses
lxc, docker
Don't use Array.forEach, use for() instead
Afshin Mehrabani
19 responses
performance, loop, javascript
Basic Vim commands - For getting started
shiva kumar
11 responses
vim, unix, vi, commands
How to check if JavaScript Object is empty
Kyle Ross
18 responses
objects, prototype, javascript, isempty
Read Excel File in C#
Teddy Garland
10 responses
excel, c#, interop
A better git log
Filipe Kiss
50 responses
color, aliases, log, alias
JavaScript iterate through object keys and values
Steven Iseki
9 responses
jquery, javascript
Fully custom select box, simple css only
Ivor Reić
32 responses
css, select
One line browser notepad
Jose Jesus Perez Aguinaga
125 responses
browser, html5, notepad
How to create an image slider with javascript
15 responses
practice, javascript, image slider
Change the Bootstrap NavBar Breakpoint
Carol Skelly
39 responses
css, responsive, mobile, css3
jQuery .find and .closest are your best friends
2 responses
jquery, events, simple, javascript
Git - Cloning Specific Commits
Ivan Sim
3 responses
ivanhcsim, git, github
Creating full width (100% ) container inside fixed width container.
praveen vijayan
14 responses
css, layout, viewport width
Django dumpdata and loaddata
eranga bandara
7 responses
django, database, model, dumpdata
Add git branch name to bash prompt
eranga bandara
4 responses
shell, osx, unix, git
Use a Google Spreadsheet as your JSON backend
Martin Naumann
45 responses
trick, api, json, martin-n
AngularJS: use $timeout, not setTimeout
Oliver Tupman
12 responses
javascript, scopes, angularjs, timeouts
Joining Objects into a String with Java 8 Stream API
Matteo Giordano
1 response
string, java, join, stream
HTML5 Mobile Device Camera Access
Brandon Beeks
19 responses
php, mobile, html5
Recent Activity
Select & Install python versions easily with fzf + pyenv
James Cuzella
python, pyenv, fzf, fuzzy-find
pg_search with eager load on searchable association
rails, ruby, pg_search
Who says pigz can't fly?
Lars Van Casteren
shell pigz tar parallel speed
Adjusting the screen of Ubuntu in Virtual Box (Finally)
Tere Diaz
virtual-box, ubuntu, resize-screen, windows
Puppeteer Crashing (Page Crashed!) inside Docker
Blitline Developers
puppeteer, chromium, page crashed!
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