Popular Programming Tips
Flatten a list of lists in one line in Python
James Hurford
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python, list comprehension, flatten lists
Customize navigation bar appearance with swift
eranga bandara
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swift, ios8, navigationbar, navigation-bar-appearace
Use ⌥ ← and ⌥→ to jump forwards / backwards words in iTerm 2, on OS X
Edward Robinson
46 responses
terminal, os x, iterm, iterm2
Auto-indenting on Sublime Text 3
Osvaldo Zonetti
15 responses
sublime, productivity, shortcut
Remove single file from staging or from commit
Abhijeet Sutar
2 responses
commit, staging, git
Why you shouldn't use Entity Framework with Transactions
Bernhard Millauer
21 responses
.net, database, entity framework, c#
Fix poor font-rendering in Chrome on Windows
Mike King
13 responses
typography, font, rendering, google chrome
Measuring execution time in Go
Herman Schaaf
3 responses
trick, golang, timing, go
Splitting Strings with MySQL
Franklin Strube
0 responses
mysql, sql
Android: Generate Release/Debug Keystores
4 responses
debug, release, android, keystore
How to get the correct Unix Timestamp from any Date in JavaScript
Andreas Pizsa
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timestamp, js, javascript, unix time
Remote Access to IPython Notebooks via SSH
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python, linux, ssh, notebook
Total input[type=file] style control with pure CSS
Barney Carroll
7 responses
css, file, input, html
Pretty print array php
Jose Vinces
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php, pretty print arrray
Add search function to list view in android
eranga bandara
4 responses
search, android, searchview, filterable
Copy files to clipboard using command line on OSX
Mariz Melo
4 responses
shell, clipboard, unix, tips
Dynamically creating properties on objects using javascript
Abishek R Srikaanth
0 responses
js, javascript, oops-js
Scala fold, foldLeft, and foldRight
Robbie Pitts
8 responses
scala, reduce, mapreduce, inject
Installing Nginx in Mac OS X Maverick With Homebrew
Reinaldo Aguilera
23 responses
config, nginx, homebrew, maverick
Install all Go project dependencies in one command
Herman Schaaf
3 responses
dependencies, golang, go
Emulate do-while loop in Python
Saji Nediyanchath
5 responses
python, do-while, simulate
Laravel's .htaccess to remove "public" from URL
Héliton Nordt
10 responses
php, laravel, .htaccess