Update SVN-Client in XCode (and OSX if you like)
The latest xcode (4.6) ships with an older SVN (1.6) and so does osx!
State of the art (as far that can be set for SVN :D) is 1.7
now, when you use some third party tools like Cornerstone SVN they might default to 1.7
1.7 working copies cannot be read/modified with 1.6 and so Xcode will fail to read the history for such working copies.
To upgrade XCode (and if you like, the osx default client):
download svn
cd ~/Downloads/ curl -o subversion-latest.tar.gz http://apache.mirrors.tds.net/subversion/subversion-1.7.8.tar.gz tar -xvf subversion-latest.tar.gz
build & install svn (with neon support! for http/https)
cd ~/Downloads/subversion-1.7.* sh get-deps.sh neon cd neon/ ./configure --with-ssl make sudo make install cd .. ./configure --prefix=/usr --with-neon make sudo make install
IF YOU don't want to install it as system default, choose another prefix.. e.g.: ./configure --prefix=/usr/local --with-neon
go into the Xcode bundle and tell it to use the new binaries
cd /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/usr/bin/ sudo -s ln -s /usr/bin/svn* ./
IF YOU didn't install it as system default, the path is different depending on the prefix you chose
Written by Dominik Pich
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2 Responses

this is for those that have to use SVN! I recommend GIT though :D
getting strange error :
$ tar -xvf subversion-latest.tar.gz
tar: Unrecognized archive format
tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors.