How to install on a headless linux is a very nice new cloud storage app similar to Dropbox, Google drive etc...
so this is how you install it on headless Linux machine:
1) Sign up at their website (through this link you will get 20gb free, I will get an additional 5gb)
Now the rest of the instructions are from the terminal:
2) Download the linux client
3) Extract it:
tar xvzf Copy.tgz
4) Navigate to a directory according to your platform
for 32bit linux:
cd copy/x86
for 64bit linux:
cd copy/x86_64
5) Execute the following command (one line) pay attention to the arguments which you must replace:
./CopyConsole -u=the_mail_you_signed_up_with -r=/home/your_linux_username/copy -p=the_password_you_signed_up_with
6) Let it run until you see:
Staring copy...success
Logged in as user: 'the_mail_you_signed_up_with' Copy folder is: '/home/your_linux_username/copy'
Press enter to exit
7) press ctrl-z to send the command to the background
You did it! you are now running client on your headless machine.
Some of the benefits which I find for using this new service are the following:
20 GB of free storage: 15 + 5 if you sign up using a referral link (I get an additional 5 GB you use mine)
Multi platform support: Linux, Mac, Windows, Android, IOS
Headless option (super cool feature for servers, and for some developers)
limited time opportunity to rack up huge amounts of extra free storage though their referral program (do not miss it)
My referral link:
Written by Marcelo Waisman
Related protips
15 Responses

Didn't know ... seems like a pretty good alternative to, am I correct? I signed up with your referral link, thanks for sharing this info!
You're correct, I find it a very good alternative
Have fun :)
I want try a very big file greater then 30GB to transfer to copy. If you create a account using my link i get 5GB of space so if some people do that i get more then 5GB at a time, then i can try my transfer
@peteroudenes I've made the experiment for you<br/>
Even though I didn't transfer a 30GB file , I did transfer a 11.5GB 1080p movie and it was a success.<br/>
it was uploaded from my PC at home and was synchronized with my PC at work, upload rate was limited only by my upload rate (my home connection has 1 MBPS upload speed).<br/>
The download at work was very fast

is there any solution for ARM architecture?
Errors after execution:
CopyConsole: line 1:ELF: not found
CopyConsole: line 1: syntax error: word unexpected (expecting ")")
I haven't tried it yet, but they have few projects in github that might help<br/>
first there's the FUSE layer on top of<br/><br/>
and they have implemented a node.js client library on top their API (which is something you should also take a look at)<br/>

Thanks for telling me about this, in return I signed up after clicking on your referral link :)
how to upload / download and sync only selected folders and files. How to block downloading from cloud. Can you suggest me a solution.

Now even ARM support in latest 1.4 update

I really wish there was a way to have the Copy storage act as a mounted drive and not a sync folder. It doesn't do me too much good to have 600GB of files on Copy attached to my linux machine that only has 20GB of free space
It seems to be a way to exclude folders from, it's sort of a black list
but there isn't a way to white list only the folders you want to include
to do it we use the CopyCmd utility
To exclude a folder run
./CopyCmd cloud exclude -exclude folderNameToExclude
To list excluded folders
./CopyCmd Copy exclude -list

Thank you so much for this post, it was really helpful!
I've decided to go a little further and write down a simple script to transform CopyConsole in a service for init.d, tested in Debian. Check it out here:
thanks, it's super cool

Marcelo, thank you for this article. :) It's very useful.
caopac, I don't know when you wrote your comment, but today (15 May 2014) there is a folder called "armv6h" in the archive, I think you should try this one.

Great article. Very fast service and easy to configure.
I have just to point out that root rights are needed (eg sudo) to run CopyConsole: I received a "forbidden message" and I've retyped my password twice before understand it :)
I would suggest another similar service, that comes with fuse-mount app:
They also give up to 20 GB with free plans