pgAdmin3 add sound
pgAdmin3 is a pretty ugly GUI for postgresql, but it has a pretty cool splash screen with a big badass elephant.
Wouldn't it enhance the user experience if it played an elephant trumpet when the program is launched?
Here's how to do it:
download a good short elephant trumpet from: and copy it to your user folder (/home/your_user/sounds/)
create an empty sh file in your user folder
- cd /home/your_user/
- touch
open the sh file and add this code
aplay /home/your_user/sounds/elephant.wav & pgadmin3
Now you can execute your script with sh
and it will launch the program while playing the sound!
If you want this script to be executed from the launcher you have to first lock the pgAdmin3 icon to the launcher and then:
- go to /usr/share/applications
- edit the file pgadmin3.desktop
change the line starting with Exec for
Exec=sh /home/your_user/scripts/
In my opinion, this sound should be a default for pgAdmin3.