Last Updated: December 30, 2020
· avgp

Sencha Touch 2.1 - Getting started (working)

Sencha Touch - The real getting started guide

Download the tools

To get started, you need two things:

Do NOT attempt to use Sencha SDK Tools! It is doomed to fail.


Install Sencha CMD and unzip the SDK zip to some folder. I will refer to that folder as the SDKFOLDER

Now fire up a terminal and run

$ sencha

If no error is displayed: Well done!

Generate your first app

From wherever you are run the following in your terminal

$ sencha -s SDKFOLDER generate app TestApp /the/path/of-your/new-app/    

Now it should do a number of things and you should end up with a working Sencha Touch application project.

See it in action

To verify, run a webserver on the path you created the app in (e.g. /the/path/of-your/new-app) and access it via your browser.
For my example I would use pythons built-in web server like this:

$ python -m SimpleHTTPServer

and point my browser to http://localhost:8000/ to see the beautiful new app!

2 Responses
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Also check that Sencha Cmd is in your PATH:

for Mac

export PATH=/Users/<USERNAME>/bin/Sencha/Cmd/<SENCHA_CMD_VERSION>:$PATH
over 1 year ago ·

I wasted my 2 days googling arround and following different gurus;
but this post really helped me magically;So many many thanks to the Auther.

over 1 year ago ·