Last Updated: February 25, 2016
· clawfire

Easy input inside label in ZF2

In my day to day integration work, I need to render ZF2 forms. And the default render for a checkbox formElement was label after checkbox. So you can't click the label to select the checkbox ... WTF ?!

Here is how I deal with this :

<?= $this->formlabel()->openTag($form->get('acceptTerms')) ?>
    <?= $this->formcheckbox($form->get('acceptTerms')) ?>
    <?= $this->translate($form->get('acceptTerms')->getLabel()) ?>
<?= $this->formlabel()->closeTag($form->get('acceptTerms')) ?>

Let's make clear, we can also extend the default 'formElement' and change it according our needs but, for a front end integrator, it's a nice way to deal with standard components.

Let's see what we're doing :

<?= $this->formlabel()->openTag($form->get('acceptTerms')) ?>

Here we open the <label> tag

<?= $this->formcheckbox($form->get('acceptTerms')) ?>

Here we render the checkbox element

<?= $this->translate($form->get('acceptTerms')->getLabel()) ?>

and the label text with the translation

<?= $this->formlabel()->closeTag($form->get('acceptTerms')) ?>

and we close the <label> tag.

That's it :)

Written by Thibault Milan

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2 Responses
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That's what the formRow view helper is for! ;)
Mind that it wraps the label around the input only as long as you don't specify any id attribute on the form element.

over 1 year ago ·

yep, we use formRownow and it's awesome .

over 1 year ago ·