Better way of passing multiple parameters to a function in javascript
This can get very ugly soon
I magine this :
function Person(firstName, lastName, age, gendre, eyeColo ) {
//do stuff here
A better way to do it would be to send the arguments as an object literal
function Person (options) {
var defaults = {
firstName: "John",
lastName: "Smith",
age: 12,
gendre: "male",
eyeColor: "brown"
o = $.extend(defaults, options )
Now you can easily access the options by doing :
And you can call the function like this :
var bob = new Person({
firstName: "Bob",
lastName: "Doe",
age: 50,
gendre: "male",
eyeColor: "blue"
Hope this helps someone!
Written by Nima Shariatian
Related protips
3 Responses
Hi all , I just wanted to say this is my first tip and my very first comment!
I am always open to new ideas and ways to improve my code, if you find anything wrong with my codes, please share!

I think that, for performance reasons I'd first put what has been passed in local variables :
function Person (options) {
var self = this
, firstName = options.firstName || "John"
, lastName = options.lastName || "Smith"
, age = options.age || 12
, gendre = options.gendre || "male"
, eyeColor = options.eyeColor || "brown"
// some code here
$.extend(self, {
firstName : firstName,
lastName : lastName,
age : age,
gendre : gendre,
eyeColor : eyeColor
The basic function is here a little more complex, but minifying local variable names is possible whereas object properties can't be changed (it's interesting if you perform tasks with the passed arguments). Also, as I said :
@mlb Thanks for the reply!
Though my focus wasn't really on performance, this clearly seems to win !