UI designer & front-end dev; INTJ. Created http://craftjs.org
Joined October 2012
Some random JS tips
Matthias Le Brun
2 responses
js, tips, javascript
WTFJS abstraction
Matthias Le Brun
1 response
javascript, wtf, wtfjs
Use click & touch events the easy way
Matthias Le Brun
0 responses
js, click, javascript, touch event
Event bubbling with focus and blur events
Matthias Le Brun
0 responses
dom, focus, javascript, blubbling
A few JavaScript guidelines
Matthias Le Brun
0 responses
javascript, guidelines
Don’t describe yourself as a front-end developer if you never went beyond jQuery.
Matthias Le Brun
0 responses
developer, front-end
Initialize functions before DOM ready but with the right Elements
Matthias Le Brun
0 responses
javascript, domready, initialize
Cross-Browser Date.today()
Matthias Le Brun
0 responses
date, javascript, today
Bookmarklet : get my JavaScript custom globals
Matthias Le Brun
2 responses
bookmarklet, javascript, globals
Craft.js, a framework that weights less than its logo
Matthias Le Brun
1 response
framework, javascript, craftjs
Array.range generator
Matthias Le Brun
0 responses
generator, javascript, range
129 bytes to enable HTML5 on old browsers
Matthias Le Brun
17 responses
ie, html5, javascript, old browsers
Get a range of the number of days contained by the following months
Matthias Le Brun
0 responses
date, javascript, months
447 Karma
16,399 Total ProTip Views

Have at least one original jQuery or Prototype open source repo

Honey Badger 3
Have at least three Node.js specific repos

Increase developer well-being by sharing at least 20 open source projects

Honey Badger
Have at least one original Node.js-specific repo

Lemmings 100
Write something great enough to have at least 100 watchers of the project

Have a project valued enough to be forked by someone else

Fork and commit to someone's open source project in need