Last Updated: February 25, 2016
· georgiee

Failed to load resource?? Check your adblocker!!

If you have a weird problem that an external script ist not loading, always check these two possibilities: are you local(file://) or is any adblocker active.
Does it work in incognito/private/porn mode ?

I just waisted 15 minutes of my lifetime to notic that my DoNotTrackMe extension is blockind google analytics and facebook. Both are loaded with $.ajax{dataType: "script") so I thought thats the problem. Im working on localhost and so there should not be any sandbox problem. I tried $.getScript and finally tried the manual way of inserting a script tag. Nothing helped. Then I found that answer (again!!). Kabir.. thanks!!

Now I can clearly remember that I already had the same problem weeks ago- stupid brain. I disabled the extensions and everything works now. The incognito tip is cool for quick error testing.

Note to myself: I should add a permanent whitelist entry for localhost:* and* in my adblockers, but not now.

2 Responses
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holly shit you saved my ass !!!

over 1 year ago ·

HA! Thanks! I was having a similar problem where I was trying to load Jquery and other JS-files from a CDN but failed on Google Chrome after a few refreshes of the site.

over 1 year ago ·