Javascript can be so weird ;)
Setting up a nice nice pulleverything
alias for this
You can get the Tee for free by signing trying out new relic using this link
Hey - we're working on this - details coming soon!
I like this, it also emphasizes that commits should be frequent and for small changes.
another nice trick on OSX is the command line utility uuidgen
Chrome has all these hidden gems I had no idea about.
The other benefit is its easier to handle access-control-allow-origin issues with fonts and Firefox if serving from your app instead of S3
It was a little hidden, didn't realize { } was a button but it works nicely. Thanks for sharing.
@emadb I think it is a little more elegant. But you can do it in even less chars with:
#removes whitespaces from items
['test ', ' ab', ' ss'].collect(&:strip)
clever...never used it with git add . I typically reset and then remove new files
Nice, the launchy gem is another great alternative
Interesting, would this be better to do in javascript?
So simple, yet so powerful
Nice! I use the following for my LAN IP:
alias myip="ifconfig | grep 'inet ' | grep -v | cut -d\ -f2"
I think I need to refactor my states ;)
work -> work harder -> family -> wine -> sleep -> wake up in middle of night -> sleep again
Nice! My favorite one so far.
I can't believe I didn't know this. Thanks for sharing.
This is great, thanks for all the different examples.
Thanks, I wasn't even aware of Bitline
@mlb great details, would be even better as part of the pro tip!
would be awesome to see a screen shot of the result
If you still want to use gemsets with rbenv, this is a great protip
awesome alias, thanks for sharing
the editor below the browser is brilliant but that that keyboard is absurd ;)
have you looked at Authy...its a mobile 2 factor auth app
Thanks for compiling and sharing!
Are there any specific exceptions you've seen because of this state?
Would love to see a demo, do you have a link you could include?
Cool idea, are you able to share the setup script?
Cool. I've always found file uploads a burden to get right...started using the Chute API for photo uploads, it works great. There is also that handles other types of media.
Very cool, didn't know about setnx. So were you able to completely move off Beanstalkd?
I wasn't even aware of acl9, thanks for sharing!
Nice lighting but not sure how you handle sitting in that chair all day.
Clever, thanks for sharing!
I'd recommend actually DRY-ing that up a bit with a css stylesheet using img{display:block;margin:0;padding:0}
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