As a #protip, i really recommend you start creating your own styleguide.
Douglas Crockford talk about "Gut Feeling" at last BrazilJS, i really recommend this talk >>>
Lee, your option to local variable is a personal choice?
I take a look at your library, but i`m not advanced JS coder. When i look to something like your library, i need to take 2 steps back and learn a lot of other thing. Sorry, but i cant see the beatiful of your library now.
I know Curry becouse i`m a big fan of Angus, but a dont understand the Curry principals totally.
You make me read it now This is a area i like a lot. I try to make my work as simple as possible, make it readable. I love to discovery that exists a science behind my ideas.
I start follow you at GitHub to follow your ideas. See you.
@krzochalski, ok, no problem. Waiting for the second part. See you.
Hi. Do you put a ;
after a block? Why?
If you commit a file and after, add it in .gitignore, you can follow this steps This tip save me many times.
Here, another great example,
With: --rebase options, alias, indentation and space corrections.
Comments are in portuguese.
Hi, Johannes! Do you know if this command refresh commit date or not?
Command python -m SimpleHTTPServer
dont do that? Run in your terminal and start a simple http server. Run sweet in MAC machines.
I watched the video some 38 times hahahha Every time i read a new article about OOP or Patterns in Javascript i watch this video again.
The best resources i found is:
Here a classical example from a friend:
Here, my Mixin like version of previous example:
And here my favorite aproach:
Maybe you can share how you get this as a pro tip. I do not received mine and are a lot of people saying the same thing in New Relic Facebook Page. What is the deal?
I use a very similar solution to send get links via post. In this case, i need to make a qArr[1].replace('+','%2b'), if dont, jQuery gonna crazy when make a ajax post.
This website show all levels > Pretty good!
I dont understand what you did mean about W3C screwed up. W3C dont like Box Sizing?
For IE9 and up maybe exist better solutions, but i think you make a really good example for IE8.
If you are working in a branch with a friend, a think git pull --rebase is the must.
But when finish the fix/release, i recommend use fetch and merge.
git pull --rebase is really a #protip, but exist a specific times to use it.
Anyone agree?
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19,783 Total ProTip Views




I really like this type of content. Things like:
And this is what i`m talking about everything is a object in JavaScript.