Last Updated: February 25, 2016
· fernandoperigolo

My favorite JS pattern

I think this is not the most faster pattern, but this the most readable and understandable to me.

The following code is self explanatory. I commented it line to line.

To watch this code working, follow and observe your console.

// All functions have now the compose method
Function.prototype.compose  = function(argFunction) {
    var invokingFunction = this;
    return function() {

// For things who work as an electronic
var asEletronic = function() {
    // Exclusive eletronic property
    this.on = false;
    // Exclusive eletronic property
    this.voltage = 110;
    // Exclusive eletronic method
    this.switchPower = function() {
        if(this.on === true) {
            this.on === false;
  'Eletronic is OFF');
        } else {
            this.on === true;
  'Eletronic is ON');

// For things who work as an sound reproducer
var asSoundReproducer = function() {
    // Exclusive sound reproducer property
    this.mp3Support = true;
    // Exclusive sound reproducer property
    this.volume = 10;
    // Exclusive sound reproducer method
    this.increaseVolume = function() {
        this.volume++;'Volume increased to: ' + this.volume);
    this.decreaseVolume = function() {
        this.volume--;'Volume decreased to: ' + this.volume);

var TV = function() {'New TV instantiated');
    // Core TV property
    this.pol = 42;
    // Core TV property
    this.fullHD = true;

var MicroSystem = function() {'New Micro System instantiated');
    // Core micro system property
    this.station = 102.9;
    // Core micro system method
    this.setStation = function(newStation) {
        this.station = newStation;'Micro System are now in station ' + newStation);

// Composing a TV
// TV works like a eletronic
TV = TV.compose(asEletronic);
// TV works like a sound reproducer
TV = TV.compose(asSoundReproducer);

// Composing a Micro System
// Micro system works like a eletronic
MicroSystem = MicroSystem.compose(asEletronic);
// Micro system works like a sound reproducer
MicroSystem = MicroSystem.compose(asSoundReproducer);

// A new TV instantiation
var myTV = new TV();

// Logging myTV to see what it have inside

// A new Micro System instantiation
var myMicroSystem = new MicroSystem();

// Logging myMicroSystem to see what it have inside

// Turn on my TV
// Increasing TV volume

// Turn on my Mycro System
// Logging current station'Current station: ' + myMicroSystem.station);
// Setting a new station
// Logging current station'Current station: ' + myMicroSystem.station);

2 Responses
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Similar to the way I work, although I prefer a local variable over "this":

var tv = (function () {
        var tv = {};
        tv.pol = 42;
        tv.fullHD = true;
        return tv;

I think you'd like my functional js library: complete with multiple function composition e.g. λ.compose(func1, func2, func3);

over 1 year ago ·

Lee, your option to local variable is a personal choice?

I take a look at your library, but i`m not advanced JS coder. When i look to something like your library, i need to take 2 steps back and learn a lot of other thing. Sorry, but i cant see the beatiful of your library now.

I know Curry becouse i`m a big fan of Angus, but a dont understand the Curry principals totally.

You make me read it now This is a area i like a lot. I try to make my work as simple as possible, make it readable. I love to discovery that exists a science behind my ideas.

I start follow you at GitHub to follow your ideas. See you.

over 1 year ago ·