Joined March 2013


NiterĂ³i, Rio de Janeiro

Posted to How to create gh-pages branch over 1 year ago

cool trick! Didn't know about the --orphan option!

Posted to Proxy with DigitalOcean over 1 year ago


"Corkscrew is a tool for tunneling SSH through HTTP proxies."

I use it when I'm inside my company's network and the only way to reach the internet is through their proxy.

So, by using corkscrew with the script above, you'l l basically be running a proxy server through another proxy server. Proxy inception. Makes sense?

Good one, Martin! But I only had luck with app.status_bar_style = :light_content in the rakefile. Anything else breaks the build.

Fixed the typo. Thanks!

Posted to Getting into Ruby on Rails? over 1 year ago

The official Ruby on Rails Guides are also quite useful for the beginner (and experienced) developer.

Just curious here.. what DB are you using? Wouldn't it be the case of matching directly against a regex? I know it is somehow possible with PostgreSQL ...

Posted to Don't forget that extra line! over 1 year ago

You're correct @thasmo. By -POSIX- definition a line must always end in a newline character, see 3.205 Line. Also interesting is the definition of a Text File, which states that a text file has 'characters organized into zero or more lines'.

Posted to Don't forget that extra line! over 1 year ago

There are a few different reasons to add a newline at eof, but as Allyson states, the main one is collaboration. Having a newline at the end of file has been an adopted practice for a while now. Traditional text editors like VIM add a newline at eof by default, and diff tools will most likely complain about the missing newline.

It is also important to note your line endings, which are also a source of headache sometimes, specially if you have developers using windows and *nix collaborating. Git has some good tools to deal with that via git-config options. GitHub has a nice summary here: Dealing with line endings

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