Joined May 2012
240 Karma
37,634 Total ProTip Views
Have at least one original repo where CoffeeScript is the dominant language
Increase developer well-being by sharing at least 20 open source projects
Epidexipteryx 3
Have at least three original repo where C++ is the dominant language
Beaver 3
Have at least three original repo where go is the dominant language
Have at least one original repo where go is the dominant language
The walrus is no stranger to variety. Use at least 4 different languages throughout all your repos
T-Rex 3
Have at least three original repos where C is the dominant language
Have at least one original repo where C is the dominant language
Have at least one original repo where C# is the dominant language
Have at least one original repo where C++ is the dominant language
@becreative-germany Interesting - so why doesn't &intSlice work then? It should pass the address to the struct, and since the array is the first data member defined in the struct, wouldn't that effectively be a pointer to the array?