Joined November 2012

Victor Zamfir

web developer at Wirestorm Innovations
Bucharest, Romania

Posted to Blur directive in AngularJS over 1 year ago

don't use "ng" as a prefix.. let the angular.js guys to do it, and use your own prefix :)

Posted to Why sass (scss) is better than less over 1 year ago

@kolen - your application doesn't have to be written in ruby, not at all, but sass requires ruby.

@dcsturm - last time I checked CodeKit was able to handle sass only. Now I see it can compile less too.
But I don't use CodeKit anymore. If you want something at least as complete as CodeKit, have a look at

Posted to Intercepting JavaScript methods over 1 year ago

@avenger7x I know -
I just wanted to point out some libraries that does that for you. It's better to use named conventions when working in a team.

Posted to Intercepting JavaScript methods over 1 year ago

Yes, I know you are not extending natives, I was just teasing you :p

Some people use this approach for AOP - see hexagonal.js

Posted to Intercepting JavaScript methods over 1 year ago

You shouldn't change the built-in objects :P
Have a look at and

Posted to Commonjs - why and how over 1 year ago

Using modules won't prevent you to use inheritance. Why do you think so?

Posted to Why sass (scss) is better than less over 1 year ago

@dpashkevich great to hear that

Posted to Why sass (scss) is better than less over 1 year ago

@duiker101 Yes, but it doesn't have control directives, loops and so on. As others stated, you can do that (if-s with guarded mixins, loops with recursive calls etc), but they are not as intuitive as they are in sass (and they are harder to maintain and write).
Also, less lacks things like sass' @extend (yes, you can include other mixins or classes, but it will generate more code) and many others.
I do like less too - I've been using it for a year now :), the main reason being that twitter bootstrap was written in less. But I like more the expressiveness and power of sass. It's also more actively maintained.

Posted to Why sass (scss) is better than less over 1 year ago

@dpashkevich Indeed, that is a very cool feature

Posted to LESS vs SASS? My choise is SASS over 1 year ago

I wrote a similar tip -

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