Trending Programming Tips
Grep and AG - file searching, ignoring and multiple parameters (also benchmarking)
Tony Narlock
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Understanding iostat
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Lollipop Click Effect (ripple)
Willian Keller
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Get blogging with node.js and Hexo
Connor Leech
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Accessing Cocoa (Objective-C) from Go with cgo
Kiyoshi Murata
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RegEx with Practical Examples
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How I jumpstarted a tech industry dating app from scratch
Jonathan Block
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Font Face Generator
Michael Turnwall
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Difference between Ruby String and Symbol
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Sending emails from a WordPress site on localhost
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Writing smart LTR/RTL CSS with SASS
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OSX ipython ctrl right / left navigation
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Installing Node on Ubuntu
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Silence JavaScript console output
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Rails 4 Tutorial: Login with Soundcloud
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Simple LOC (lines of code) report
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Introduction ~ Created Instagram Filter with JavaScript
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when openssh 7 blocks your public-key
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Getting Git Commit Reports from Command Line
David Duggins
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Fix encoding issue with Ecto and Poison
Estevão Mascarenhas
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Simple way to Zip files with C# .NET (Framework 4.5 /4.6)
Ion D. Filho
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csharp, zip, c#, .net
Linux Basic
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Alternatives to HMVC with Laravel
Hamza Ouaghad
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mvc, objects, code, http