Trending Programming Tips
10 lines of js to log all $emit events in AngularJS
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Fixing Nexus 4 OTA update error on custom recovery "set_metadata_recursive: some changes failed"
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Install all the DMG's!!!
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High-Value Shell Aliasing
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JavaScript and jQuery Snippets
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The Perfect Brew
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Pair program anywhere with tmux over SSH tunnel
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Detailed Objective-C Cheat Sheet
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Don't break the law... of Demeter !
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Context Managers in Go? Don't be ridiculous...
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Refer to someone else's home directory in bash and zsh
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Enable CORS in WebAPI 2
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Start a Rack app with multiple interpreters
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Twitter sharing via HTML (useful for emails)
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html, twitter
Use GitHub Organizations to Organize Code
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Bootstrap without all the debt
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Automated web site deployment (git+ftp inside)
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Vim Mappings for a Ruby Style Guide
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ruby, vim
Using Highchart in CakePHP
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Setting my iTerm2
Daniel Kosalla
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PHP Array Accessor Gotcha / Unexpected behavior
Trevor N. Suarez
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php, array, gotcha, wat
An algorithm to generate fake but realistic looking graph data(that trends too)
Peter Philips
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ruby, algorithms, data, graphs
Prepare VM installed multiple versions of ruby by Vagrant and chef
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ruby, vagrant, chef
How to run Ruby GC after a memory expensive request with Unicorn
Estevão Mascarenhas
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ruby, performance, unicorn, gc