Trending Programming Tips
Simple chroot without the need of jail or other packages
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The bang operator
Chip Castle
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Javascript Curiosities
Patrick Costa
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javascript, quirks
Quality control with PhpStorm code inspection
Adrian Imfeld
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How to use Logstash with Monolog
Sebastian Kück
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Ruby Array.except
Nick DeSteffen
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Meet ldb.js, better way to deal with HTML5 localStorage
Vinit Kumar
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What to do when your Rails app is too big for Heroku
Terence Ponce
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Edit a file on a remote server using vim from your localhost
Victor Jolissaint
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Check your HTML5 local storage usage
Mike King
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Building Android apps on Ubuntu 13.10 x64
Sebastiano Poggi
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CSS Class Inheritance in CSS
Jacob Lichner
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Structural typing and type classes in Scala
Jordi Pradel
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Globally set Status Bar Style in iOS 7 with RubyMotion
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Paullo Norato
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Rails debugging with better_errors and pow
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Use `setValue:forKey:` instead of `setObject:forKey` if value can be nil
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PHP Continuous Integration
Michael Gray
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Change background color for autocompleted inputs in Google Chrome
Javier Cuevas
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Rails' complex association example
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ruby, rails, associations
Secure Coding Initiative
Eudris Cabrera Rodriguez
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perl, security, java, c
Parallax scroll with CSS
Christian Landgren
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css3, semantic, parallax, perspective
Ruby thread in simple rake task
nhm tanveer hossain khan (hasan)
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ruby, rake, thread is a web service for creating sketches of websites.
Yuri Shikanov
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tool, web design, screenshots, collaboratio