Trending Programming Tips
Use Hibernate 4.3.x with JTA on Glassfish 4
Brian Jesse
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hibernate, glassfish, jpa, java
CSS-only: Highlight label when focusing an input field
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css, css3, forms, focus
Detect Mobile with Javascript
Oyewumi Abayomi
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mobile, javascript, mobile detect
Integrating with a Node.js Project
Ben Sheldon
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testing, nodejs, coveralls
Git Repository - failed to push some refs
Hélio Cabral Medeiros
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bare, git, shared, permission
EC2 Instance Metadata
Irakli Nadareishvili
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tricks, ec2, aws
Semantic and accesible icon web fonts
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css, html, icon, icon fonts
How to create a contact form for a GitHub Pages served Jekyll website
Tiago Garcia
6 responses
heroku, sinatra, recaptcha, github pages
Careful with NSURLSession
Claudio Poli
1 response
cocoa, nsurlsession, ios
Don't let phantom applications crash your Mac app.
Chris J. Davis
0 responses
objective c, gotchas
Android Async Task with Dialog
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java, android, async task
Rails Email Protips
Gleb Mazovetskiy
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rails, email, actionmailer
Calculate billable days from git logs
Dimitrios Mistriotis
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shell, git
Rails authentication using Facebook
Tu Hoang
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rails, omniauth, authentication, omniauth-facebook
Use your forked repository in composer.json
Joeri Verdeyen
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php, composer, symfony2
Ctrl-c and ctrl-v in terminal
3 responses
terminal, copy, xclip, paste
Be a clean CSS coder (part two)
Piotr Krzoska
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css, clean
A little bash function for creating a new project
Dmitry Pashkevich
0 responses
shell, cli, productivity, bash
Install gem libxml-ruby on OSX Mavericks 10.9.x
Victor Ortiz
1 response
ruby, rubygems, osx, mavericks
Gamer style Sublime Text Key Bindings
Olivier Audard
3 responses
sublime text, key bindings
Copy Gliffy diagram into Confluence, the hard way
Martin Naumann
0 responses
martin-n, atlassian, gliffy, confluence
Prevent object constructor being run as function
David Godfrey
4 responses
js, oo, javascript, object orientated
Add backticks around selected text on Sublime
Aidan Threadgold
0 responses
sublime, keyboard, backticks