Trending Programming Tips
Ask wikipedia from command line using Ruby
Emad Elsaid
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ruby, rails, wikipedia
RequireJS basic introduction
Steven Iseki
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Fix virtualenvwrapper to work with fabric
José Tomás Tocino
2 responses
python, django, deployment, virtualenv
A couple of things I wish I knew earlier with linux
David Porter
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shell, linux, bash
Send Mail From Localhost with XAMPP
Dan Jesus
1 response
php, xampp, php.ini
very tiny PubSub using native browser methods
Anas Nakawa
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js, communication, javascript, pubsub
Scalable Node.js With Nginx
Yigit Kula
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nginx, scale, scalable, nodejs
Pretty-Print JSON from the Command Line
Tyler Hunt
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shell, json
find unused cucumber steps definitions
bruno coelho
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ruby, rails, test, cucumber
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mybb, mybb forum, free forum, cretsiz forum
Create a twitter bot using Ruby
Emad Elsaid
4 responses
ruby, rails, twitter, bot
Total lines of code
Sergey Zabolotnov
2 responses
shell, unix, awk, git
Checking the version of Tmux in a tmux.conf
Trevor N. Suarez
1 response
console, terminal, linux, ssh
Ruby vs Clojure: Get a List of DB Tables
Erick Brower
0 responses
ruby, clojure
Create an OAuth2 API with doorkeeper and devise in Rails
Carlos Andres Herrera
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rails, devise, doorkeeper
Angular Js and Bootstrap 3 without Angular UI
Maurizio Casimirri
0 responses
mobile, bootstrap, ui, angular js
Remote Access to IPython Notebooks via SSH
24 responses
python, linux, ssh, notebook
Enable IPv6 packet forwarding when using Docker
Tobias Gesellchen
3 responses
port, ubuntu, ipv6, forwarding
Beware of using default scope
3 responses
rails, rashmi14yadav, default_scope
Image Upload using laravel4 and jquery uploader
3 responses
jquery, php, laravel
Rails 4: How to partials & AJAX, dead easy
Sebastián González
27 responses
rails, ajax, partials, rails 4
command line magic examples with grep / cut / awk / sort
Ralph Meier
0 responses
shell, sed, grep, find
OS X + Core OS + Docker
Paul Guelpa
1 response
os x, vagrant, core os, docker
Undoing a git add
David Tran
1 response
undo, commit, git