Trending Programming Tips
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David Nowinsky
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JavaScript functional concepts
Steven Iseki
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My take on comments
Jay Ratcliff
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Setting up a ClojureScript project
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Pimp my GDB
Benjamin Chrétien
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Symfony2 country field multiple choices
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Monitor Drush database import progress from the terminal
Jon Peck
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Loading webfonts ASAP and speedup your website
Luiz Fernando de Souza Filho
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Easily Extend Javascript Prototypes
David Morrow
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prototype, javascript
Stop using Template Toolkit
Evan Carroll
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Template an Ansible playbook w/o interpreting variables
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Generating random ID in JavaScript
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MutationObserver polyfill
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Amazon EC2 Wordpress Pretty Permalinks on LAMP
Dustin Johnson
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linux, apache, ec2, aws
Useful HTML/CSS links
Max Brockman
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css, css3, links, web design
Work journal in the shell
Filipe Correia
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Calling Google Maps with Javascript and CSS
Max Brockman
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My Emacs Scala Development Environment
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scala, emacs
Deploy WordPress using Docker and Dokku
Massimo Ronca
1 response
dokku, wordpress, wordpress deploy, docker