Trending Programming Tips
Add a border to any UIView
Cherif YAYA
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ios, objective-c
git clone github:user/repo
Adam Stankiewicz
3 responses
shell, zsh, ssh, git
Lightweight Mixins in CoffeeScript
Cédric Néhémie
3 responses
mixins, coffeescript
Compass mixin for data URIs
Shaun O'Connell
1 response
css, sass, compass, base64
Using the classic WebKit Web Inspector
M. Auayan
0 responses
webkit, safari
Move repo from bitbucket to github
josh bowles
2 responses
open source, git
Test your enlive transformations in the repl
Daniel De Aguiar
0 responses
clojure, enlive
Speeding up your terminal in OSX by clearing ASL logs
Ciro Nunes
2 responses
zsh, terminal, log, osx
129 bytes to enable HTML5 on old browsers
Matthias Le Brun
17 responses
ie, html5, javascript, old browsers
Find recursively and sort by last modified
Ivan Zarea
0 responses
shell, vim, tip, bash
Quickly check the magit-status of your favorite repos
Leonardo Etcheverry
0 responses
emacs, magit, git
Blurring with pure CSS3
Rico Sta. Cruz
3 responses
css, css3, html
Must Have Git Aliases
Bijan Vaez
2 responses
aliases, git
Lightweight library to generate knobs with JavaScript
Andreas Köberle
1 response
ui, svg, javascript, knob
Prevent null check before collection.add
2 responses
collections, java
HTTP Requesting from Sublime Text 2
Osvaldo Zonetti
1 response
sublime text, sublime, api, json
Clear pane in Tmux
Claudio Ortolina
1 response
Parallel Computing with NodeJS
Jiew Meng
0 responses
parallel computing, nodejs
No borders on bootstrap table
George Silva
5 responses
css, bootstrap, table
Validates field uniqueness with state_machine and factory_girl
Cédric Néhémie
0 responses
ruby, rails, factory_girl, rspec
Render View as String ASP.NET MVC 3/4
Ion D. Filho
0 responses
.net, csharp, mvc4, mvc 3
Play Framework 2 with Zurb Foundation and Compass/Sass
4 responses
sass, compass, zurb foundation, play 2
zsh + iTerm2 OSX shortcuts
Tymon Tobolski
1 response
shell, zsh, osx, shortcut