Trending Programming Tips
If you're ever in the need to find the right Ruby HTTP client
Björn Rochel
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Searching strings in Xcode using NSScanner and NSRegularExpression
Anthony Levings
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Extracting Symfony2 bundles using 'git subtree split'
Craig Marvelley
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iTerm2 cmd+click on stacktrace
Dmitry Novotochinov
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Remove white-spaces, please!
Endel Dreyer
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Write better Protips
Thomas Riboulet
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Stubbing Out $.ajax in Jasmine and calling through
David Morrow
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mosh: SSH for unstable connections
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Using two shadows in one div
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Sublime Text 2 - quick full screen
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Simplified conditions for Array or any Enumerable objects
Jiren Patel
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Try RubyGems 2.0
Michal Papis
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ruby, rubygems, rvm, gemfile
Quickly add a license to your GitHub repository
Gonçalo Morais
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Faster browser rendering
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ctrl-r in the shell is your friend
Edward Ocampo-Gooding
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shell, bash
Ruby performance patch.
Tu Hoang
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git: don't blame people for changing whitespaces or moving code
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IE a > span won't trigger right click link menu
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Top Javascript Docs/Tutorials/Books
Jose Jesus Perez Aguinaga
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Testing your spec against multiple rubies
1 response
ruby, rvm, rspec