Trending Programming Tips
POST submission to Nodejs in vanilla js
Andrei Oprea
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javascript, nodejs
Invoke a rake task from another task
Felipe Elias Philipp
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Read the manpages
2 responses
shell, command line, man, help
Create WordPress virtual page "On The Fly"
raz ohad
12 responses
php, wordpress
Print the current page's html source in Capybara
Daniel Schmidt
1 response
rails, cucumber, capybara
Moving to Git
Tim Moore
0 responses
git, slideshare
Push feature branch to remote master from Magit
Leonardo Etcheverry
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emacs, magit, git
Create a branch on Github without a local repo.
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git branch, github
Simple Git Log Alias
Piper Chester
0 responses
shell, color, branch, alias
Call Ruby gently by name
Denis Savitskiy
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ruby, string, methods, class
Abort Git commit in Vim
Rhodri Pugh
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vim, git
Amend a commit, keeping the same commit message
Josh Buhler
2 responses
git, commits, oops i did it again
JSON.stringify() pretty printer
Doug Thomas
1 response
python, json, javascript
remembering the order of for()
Mark Vaughn
1 response
javascript, ruby, php, c
We Love Icon Fonts - A free & open source icon font service
Tim Pietrusky
4 responses
responsive, font, icon, icon-font
Effective deep copy of javaScript objects
3 responses
javascript, optimizations
Send email via AWS SES or Gmail from God
Aaron Jensen
0 responses
ruby, aws, gmail, god
Drush multi-site aliases
John Brennan
1 response
drush, drupal
Christmas messages in Node.js with npm
James Allardice
0 responses
nodejs, npm
Vim: Checking Python code on the fly
Caio Ariede
0 responses
python, vim
Javascript sort defaults to string
David Morrow
0 responses
2 nice techniques to refactor Mojolicious controllers
Ivan Fomichev
0 responses
perl, refactoring, mojolicious
Spend the time to learn Server Side Javascript
Dan Wasyluk
1 response
technology, javascript, server-side javascript, nodejs