Trending Programming Tips
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git on Dropbox!
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Devise password generator
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sass nesting
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Which sorting algorithm Array.sort use?
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Browser Stack - quick command line tunnelling
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Using Coda 2 with Hammer
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using inline css with LESS
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Enabling cross domain requests in jQuery
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Upgrade your Ruby hashes to 1.9 with Sublime
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Different indentation per filetype using vim
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IDisposable in Java
Mark McD ☠
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Set vim mode in bash (cannot believe I just learned this today)
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~~ is faster than Math.floor()
Afshin Mehrabani
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One line browser notepad
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Create Selection for a Year Range in Rails
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Rails Composer
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CSS Gradient Transitions
Patrick Camacho
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Better commit messages
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Change date format in PHP
Alexandru G.
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NPM to bump module version
Mikael Brevik
1 response
nodejs, npm